Dark Lines of London Tony Lee

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London – a cityscape of secrets. For centuries now, the city of London has endured attacks, invasions, murders, great fires, dark rituals and much, much more within its walls. Death is commonplace. Life is cheap. From the Elizabethan Court of Doctor John Deeto the near future, two Londons now merge, as literary graduate Sam Carterfinds himself thrown back and forth through time, constantly uniting with the elderly magician as he fights a centuries-long war against a secret illuminati known as the School of Night,an illuminati that Dee himself once created – and was eventually excommunicated from. And when Sam receives Dee’s own notes, hidden for over four hundred years within the margins of his own book, the Monas Hieroglyphica, Sam and his girlfriend Sophiefind themselves in a race against time to complete a treasure hunt, constantly on the run, as Sam learns about the people he believed friends, and dark truths about his own parents. If Sam and Sophie fail, then the School of Night win, and their latest dark ritual, created to harness the powers of a terrible act of destruction will take the souls of over ten million people on New Year's Day. If Sam can stop this, then the School will be destroyed – at the cost of Sam’s life. Can Sam and Sophie follow Dee’s cryptic clues, a journey that leads them across London, following the work of Nicholas Hawksmoor and others that stood against the School, as they hunt down the answer to a centuries old riddle? Or will they fail, dooming the city to complete annihilation at the hands of two insane immortals…The Da Vinci Code meets Supernatural, Dark Lines of London is a sci-fi/historical thriller with occult aspects– and nobody is what they seem.

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