The Best Man in Texas Kelsey Roberts

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Kelsey Roberts - The Best Man in Texas краткое содержание

Isabella Trueblood made history reuniting people torn apart by war and an epidemic. Now, generations later, Lily and Dylan Garrett carry on her work with their agency, Finders Keepers. Circumstances may have changed, but the goal remains the same.LostOne heiress. Sara Pierce, the missing beneficiary of Violet Mitchum's will, wants to disappear. When her roommate in a women's shelter dies suddenly, Sara thinks she's found a way to erase her past forever. She hasn't counted on the «accident» that erases her memory.FoundOne knight in shining armor. Dr. Justin Dale finds himself between a rock and a hard place–he's falling in love with a patient…a woman who knows less than he does about herself. A woman who needs him, not as a doctor, but as a man.Finders Keepers: bringing families together

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