Her Fifth Husband? Dixie Browning

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Dixie Browning - Her Fifth Husband? краткое содержание

I didn't care how many sizzling fantasies the mysterious man on my doorstep sparked. Whatever Jake Smith was offering, I didn't need it, didn't want it–knew better than to even think about it! Besides, if there's one thing I, Sasha Combs Cassidy Boone Lasiter, have learned after four marriages, it's that no good comes from romantic entanglements.Still, ladies, it would be a shame to let this dark-haired hunk go to waste. There must be a woman out there–other than me, of course!–who'd appreciate Jake's chiseled physique…and mind-blowing bedroom skills. Just because the sight of the tall, tough P.I. holding a little baby melted my heart and brought out my maternal longings, didn't make him a candidate for husband number five…did it?

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