Essential Law for Landowners and Farmers A. Sydenham

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A. Sydenham - Essential Law for Landowners and Farmers краткое содержание

This concise and well-established working guide for landowners, farmers and their advisers explains the law on the ownership, occupation and use of agricultural land. Essential Law for Landowners and Farmers provides an invaluable source of sound advice, clarifying the complex problems facing landowners today, and explaining the law governing their resolution. In this major new edition, all the chapters have been re-written and several added, to reflect the enormous changes in the law over the last eleven years – from the new access to open land to environmental issues and the introduction of the farm business tenancy. Designed for quick and easy reference, the book concentrates on issues of prime relevance to landowners and now with a further reading section, this book is an essential single source of guidance on land law. According to Lord Plumb, writing on the last edition, reading it could avert much 'dispute and misunderstanding … argument and bloodshed'.

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