Fruit and Vegetables Keith Thompson

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Keith Thompson - Fruit and Vegetables краткое содержание

The second edition of this very well-received book, which in its first edition was entitled Postharvest Technology of Fruits and Vegetables, has been welcomed by the community of postharvest physiologists and technologists who found the first edition of such great use. The book covers, in comprehensive detail, postharvest physiology as it applies to postharvest quality, technology relating to maturity determination, harvesting, packaging, postharvest treatments, controlled atmosphere storage, ripening and transportation on a very wide international range of fruits and vegetables. The new edition of this definitive work, which contains many full colour photographs, provides key practical and commercially-oriented information of great use in helping to ensure that fruit and vegetables reach the retailer in optimum condition, with the minimum of loss and spoilage. Fruits and vegetables, 2nd edition is essential reading forfruit and vegetable technologists, food scientists and food technologists, agricultural scientists, commercial growers, shippers and warehousing operatives and personnel within packaging companies. Researchers and upper level students in food science, food technology, plant and agricultural sciences will find a great deal of use within this landmark book. All libraries in research establishments and universities where these subjects are studied and taught should have copies readily available for users. A. K. Thompson was formerly Professor and head of Postharvest Technology, Silsoe College, UK.

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