Homeric Hymns Homer

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Homer - Homeric Hymns краткое содержание

The Homeric Hymns is a collection of thirty-three ancient Greek hymns celebrating individual gods. The hymns employ the same epic meter—dactylic hexameter—as the Iliad and Odyssey, use many similar formulas and are couched in the same dialect. Contents: To Dionysus To Demeter To Apollo To Hermes To Aphrodite To Aphrodite To Dionysus To Ares To Artemis To Aphrodite To Athena To Hera To Demeter To the Mother of the Gods To Heracles With the Heart of a Lion To Asclepius To the Dioscuri To Hermes To Pan To Hephaestus To Apollo To Poseidon To Zeus To Hestia To the Muses and Apollo To Dionysus To Artemis To Athena To Hestia To Gaia, Mother of All To Helios To Selene To the Dioscuri

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