Day Hiking Snoqualmie Region Dan Nelson

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Dan Nelson - Day Hiking Snoqualmie Region краткое содержание

  • Covers the area with the easiest access for Seattle metro’s 3 million residents• 35 all-new hikes added• Nearly 25,000 copies sold of the first edition The Snoqualmie region is within easy day-hiking distance for Seattle area hikers, but it’s the abundance of stunning scenery that draws most outdoor lovers to these trails. This new edition of Day Hiking: Snoqualmie Region includes new hikes and extends to new areas not covered in the first edition: 136 day hikes in all!  New hikes, for example, have been added in the Blewett Pass area, the area north and northwest of Greenwater, east along the I-90 corridor as far as Ellensburg, and west along I-90 as far as Puget Sound. In addition, each hike has been checked and updated, more than half of all photographs are new, and there is an all-new eight-page color-photo insert. **Mountaineers Books designates 1 percent of the sales of select guidebooks in our Day Hiking series toward volunteer trail maintenance. Since launching this program, we’ve contributed more than $14,000 toward improving trails. For this book, our 1 percent of sales is going to Washington Trails Association (WTA) . WTA hosts more than 750 work parties throughout Washington’s Cascades and Olympics each year, with volunteers clearing downed logs after spring snowmelt, cutting away brush, retreading worn stretches of trail, and building bridges and turnpikes. Their efforts are essential to the land managers who maintain thousands of acres on shoestring budgets.

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