Day Hiking South Cascades Dan Nelson

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Dan Nelson - Day Hiking South Cascades краткое содержание

CLICK HERE  to download the 8 mile round trip hike called «Tatoosh Ridge» as well as the easy 4 mile hike called «Crofton Butte» from Day Hiking South Cascades   * More than 100 day hikes, with options for linking them to longer routes* Compact, easy-carry size* Two color maps, charts and elevation profilesThis handsome guide is full of charts and easy-to-find information that will help you quickly select your ideal hike. And once you're on the trail, you'll enjoy the sidebars on flora and fauna, and historical highlights that accompany many of the routes.There is a full-color front map and then two-color section maps, along with clear driving directions to the trail head, options for nearby camping, ratings for trail difficulty and photos of what you'll see on your hike. Hikes are typically less than 12 miles round trip. The Day Hiking series guidebooks are the most comprehensive and attractive trail guides available for Washington state.

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