Wedding Party Collection: Once A Bridesmaid...: Here Comes the Bridesmaid / Falling for the Bridesmaid GINA WILKINS

Wedding Party Collection: Once A Bridesmaid...: Here Comes the Bridesmaid / Falling for the Bridesmaid скачать fb2

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GINA WILKINS - Wedding Party Collection: Once A Bridesmaid...: Here Comes the Bridesmaid / Falling for the Bridesmaid краткое содержание

An irresistible man…Sunshine Smart is in charge of organising her best friend’s wedding, and that includes playing nice with the sexy and surly best man, Leo Quatremaine. The top chef may be Sunshine’s complete opposite but that doesn’t stop her from falling into his bed!Violet Huntingdon-Cross is always the bridesmaid, but when she meets attractive journalist Tom Buckley, she begins to think differently. The issue? Tom’s trying to expose her father, and while he tries to persuade her he’s different to the other guys, she’s not so sure…Cynical, yet handsome, Ethan Brannon refuses to believe in Aislinn Flaherty’s ‘gift’, but she knows she could reunite the Ethan with his long-lost brother. Yet taking the time to convince Ethan and denying the temptation he presents will be impossible.

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