The Soldier's Legacy GINA WILKINS

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GINA WILKINS - The Soldier's Legacy краткое содержание

He's an ex-marine with so much to prove…Ex-marine Trevor Farrell is a classic workaholic. Which means he has a successful chain of resorts…and an empty house. So having Jade Evans, the widow of a war hero, and her three kids stay with him while their new home gets renovated is no problem. For a few weeks anyway.Trevor admires Jade’s determination to give her kids a good life. For years, he’s only needed to focus on himself. And yet spending time with Jade leaves him yearning for more. But after being married to a genuine hero, why would she want a man who never saw active duty? If Trevor wants a life with Jade and her family, he’ll need to prove to her—and himself—that he deserves it.

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