Bram Stoker’s “Dracula” is the novel that introduced the fictional creature known as the vampire to millions. It is considered by many as the single most important work in the gothic vampire horror genre. “Dracula,” while not the first appearance of the vampire in literature, is certainly the work that is most readily identified with the vampire genre and has spawned countless imitations and references. The novel is set sometime in the late 19th century and begins by being told from the...
Bram Stoker’s “Dracula” is the novel that introduced the fictional creature known as the vampire to millions. It is considered by many as the single most important work in the gothic vampire horror genre. “Dracula,” while not the first appearance of the vampire in literature, is certainly the work that is most readily identified with the vampire genre and has spawned countless imitations and references. The novel is set sometime in the late 19th century and begins by being told from the...
Bram Stoker’s “Dracula” is the novel that introduced the fictional creature known as the vampire to millions. It is considered by many as the single most important work in the gothic vampire horror genre. “Dracula,” while not the first appearance of the vampire in literature, is certainly the work that is most readily identified with the vampire genre and has spawned countless imitations and references. The novel is set sometime in the late 19th century and begins by being told from the...
Bram Stoker’s “Dracula” is the novel that introduced the fictional creature known as the vampire to millions. It is considered by many as the single most important work in the gothic vampire horror genre. “Dracula,” while not the first appearance of the vampire in literature, is certainly the work that is most readily identified with the vampire genre and has spawned countless imitations and references. The novel is set sometime in the late 19th century and begins by being told from the...
Bram Stoker’s “Dracula” is the novel that introduced the fictional creature known as the vampire to millions. It is considered by many as the single most important work in the gothic vampire horror genre. “Dracula,” while not the first appearance of the vampire in literature, is certainly the work that is most readily identified with the vampire genre and has spawned countless imitations and references. The novel is set sometime in the late 19th century and begins by being told from the...
Bram Stoker’s “Dracula” is the novel that introduced the fictional creature known as the vampire to millions. It is considered by many as the single most important work in the gothic vampire horror genre. “Dracula,” while not the first appearance of the vampire in literature, is certainly the work that is most readily identified with the vampire genre and has spawned countless imitations and references. The novel is set sometime in the late 19th century and begins by being told from the...
Der Urvater aller Blutsaugerromane machte bei seinem Erscheinen, 1897, Furore. «Keine Lektüre für Schwachnervige» kündigte die Werbung für die deutsche Übersetzung an, und das ist nicht übertrieben. Das schaurige Geschehen entrollt sich wie ein Tatsachenbericht Stück für Stück in Tagebuchaufzeichnungen, Gesprächsnotizen, Briefen, Telegrammen und Zeitungsartikeln, und ganz allmählich erst kommt der Leser dahinter, welch fürchterliche Bedrohung sich hinter den rätselhaften Ereignissen verbirgt,...
Der Urvater aller Blutsaugerromane machte bei seinem Erscheinen, 1897, Furore. «Keine Lektüre für Schwachnervige» kündigte die Werbung für die deutsche Übersetzung an, und das ist nicht übertrieben. Das schaurige Geschehen entrollt sich wie ein Tatsachenbericht Stück für Stück in Tagebuchaufzeichnungen, Gesprächsnotizen, Briefen, Telegrammen und Zeitungsartikeln, und ganz allmählich erst kommt der Leser dahinter, welch fürchterliche Bedrohung sich hinter den rätselhaften Ereignissen verbirgt,...
Este ebook presenta «Drácula», con un sumario dinámico y detallado. Drácula es una novela publicada en 1897 por Bram Stoker, que ha convertido a su protagonista en el vampiro más famoso. Drácula, parte de la existencia de Vlad Tepes, es un personaje histórico situado en la Rumania del siglo XV, y conocido por su heroicidad contra la invasión otomana, pero también por su crueldad. A partir de esta historia y de no pocas leyendas acerca de él, Bram Stoker escribe esta novela en forma de diarios y...
«…Выехал из Мюнхена 1 мая в 8.35 вечера и прибыл в Вену рано утром на следующий день; должен был приехать в 6.46, но поезд опоздал на час. По тому, что я мельком видел из окна поезда, а также прогуливаясь по улицам, я решил, что Будапешт на редкость красивый город. Я боялся забираться слишком далеко от вокзала, так как наш поезд опаздывал и должен был вскоре отправиться дальше. У меня было такое чувство, точно мы покинули Запад и оказались на Востоке, а самый западный из великолепных мостов,...