Hi! My name is Alex Pianola. Since the coronavirus lockdown began, I’ve been stuck at home with ten monsters and my parents. Gradually, I’ve realized that everyone else is in the same situation and we all I have to learn to do everyday things differently. I am eager to go outside, but thanks to the monsters and my friend Lidia, I’ve learned more about the virus and the whole point of the lockdown. We have to be responsible. We have to support our healthcare system, research and science, but we...
Quan la Inés Macpherson em va proposar publicar aquest recull en homenatge al centenari del naixement de Ray Bradbury, vivíem en un món. Quan la versió digital vegi la llum, serem al bell mig d'un gran canvi. Quan arribi a les llibreries encarnat en paper, el món haurà canviat per sempre. Sembla un relat de Ray Bradbury. No ho és. M'atreveixo a dir, sense massa por a equivocar-me, que la realitat ha estat a l'altura del gran escriptor nord-americà.Enguany fa cent anys del seu...
COVID-19 has made us all aware of the fact that we live in a world full of invisible enemies. Normally, we don’t even realize they’re there, but from time to time one of these microscopic creatures becomes powerful enough to turn everything upside down. What are these invisible enemies, and how can we prepare ourselves for the pandemics of the future? A specialist in the cellular biology of diseases, Salvador Macip explains, in a language everyone can understand, what it means to share the...