Черпая вдохновение в трудах великих философов и изречениях древних мудрецов, в работах психоаналитиков и психологов, а также в опыте великих спортсменов, артистов и просто уверенных в себе людей, Шарль Пепен раскрывает главный секрет уверенности в себе.
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An essential read for anyone who has encountered a crisis of confidence. Where does self-confidence come from? How does it work? Why are some people more confident than others? On the surface, these seem like simple questions – but answers can feel hard to come by when we need them most. In this bestselling book, Charles Pépin brings to light the strange alchemy that is self-confidence. Pépin examines the role confidence plays in the lives of our most respected public figures including the likes...