A sequel to the «The Wonderful Wizard of Oz,» this 1904 publication delves once more into the Land of Oz in a story that follows the adventure of a boy named Tip. After escaping the witch Mombi, he travels the lands of Oz with a group of friends, encountering General Jinjur’s army, escaping Jackdaws, seeking Glinda the Good, and ultimately meeting his destiny in the Emerald City. Baum infuses his land of fantasy with new characters while utilizing some of the familiar personalities of the first...
Within this third work of Baum's Land of Oz series, Dorothy's story is continued with her beloved companions and given further life with inventive new characters, including a talking hen named Billina and the Hungry Tiger. After being tossed from a steamship during a storm, Dorothy finds herself in the kingdom of Ev, where she becomes involved in a journey to the palace of the evil Nome King to rescue the Queen of Ev and her children. From dodging Wheelers to dangerous guessing games,...