Benedict de Spinoza, a Jewish-Dutch philosopher, laid the foundation for the Enlightenment movement of the 18th century in Europe and is regarded as one of the great rationalists of 17th century philosophy. Presented here are «A Theologico-Political Treatise» and «A Political Treatise», two works that precede Spinoza's most famous work «Ethics». In «A Theologico-Political Treatise» Spinoza argues for the separation of theology and philosophy insisting that whereas the goal of theology is...
Benedict de Spinoza, a Jewish-Dutch philosopher, laid the foundation for the Enlightenment movement of the 18th century in Europe and is regarded as one of the great rationalists of 17th century philosophy. Presented here are «A Theologico-Political Treatise» and «A Political Treatise», two works that precede Spinoza's most famous work «Ethics». In «A Theologico-Political Treatise» Spinoza argues for the separation of theology and philosophy insisting that whereas the goal of theology is...
“Ethics” is the most famous work of Benedict de Spinoza, who is considered one of the great rationalists of 17th-century philosophy. Spinoza was born of Jewish and Portuguese ancestry in 1632 and lived a simple life in Amsterdam as an optical lens grinder. His greatest fame came about when “Ethics,” a collection of several of his philosophical works, was published anonymously by his close friends in 1677 shortly after Spinoza’s untimely death at age 44. In this seminal work, Spinoza lays out his...
Also contains Ethics, Correspondence, all in excellent R. Elwes translation. Basic works on entry to philosophy, pantheism, exchange of ideas with great contemporaries.