After the fall of the Table Round, Launcelot DuLac fled England a broken man awaiting death. But death never came for him; instead, cursed, he has continued his search for the Holy Grail down through the ages, seeking a redemption that he fears he will never find. A chance meeting with Morgan LeFay makes him question his curse and his destiny, for Merlin is about to awake and Launcelot will be called on one last time to defend the ideals of King Arthur and the Table Round, because he is the last...
Magiczna powieść science fiction, w której postapokalitycznym światem odległej planety zawładnęli mściwi hinduistyczni bogowie Ziemia jest daleko. Na skolonizowanej planecie grupa ludzi zyskała kontrolę nad środkami techniki i zyskała nieśmiertelność. Teraz rządzą tym światem jako bogowie hinduistycznego panteonu – Brahma, Kali, Kriszna, a także ten tego, którego kiedyś nazywali Buddą, a który teraz odważa się wystąpić przeciwko ich tyranii, i nazywa się Mahasamatmanem, Poskromicielem Demonów,...
There was a period, from 1961-1967, when Roger Zelazny was magic, and every new story of his was an event. He was a tremendously variable writer. The heart-wrenching “A Rose for Ecclesiastes” (written October 1967) was nothing like the passionate “Graveyard Heart,” which was completely different from the mind blowing “The Ides of Octember,” serialized in Amazing as “He Who Shapes,” which was altogether different from the post-nuclear holocaust romp, “Damnation Alley,” published in Galaxy and...
Amber is the one true world of which all others are but shadows. Collected here in one binding are seven tales of Amber. It was Zelazny’s intent to use these short stories to tie up unfinished threads from his amazing Chronicles of Amber. This edition is sure to be a treat for the legion of Amber fans. “A storyteller without peer. He created worlds as colorful and exotic and memorable as any our genre has ever seen.” —George R.R. Martin “. . . his performance was never anything other than...
Roger Zelazny «Varjude Jacki» (Jack of Shadows; 1971) on nimetatud kirjaniku loomingu kvintessents-teoseks, «Valguse Isanda» lugejasõbralikuks versiooniks, sammuks «Needuste allee» juurest «Amberi kroonikate» varjumaailmade manu. Ja kõik need hinnangud on omal kombel õiged. Tegu on Zelazny ühe vahest tähtsama üksikromaaniga, mille peategelane elab maailmas, kus hiiglaslik masin on peatanud planeedi pöörlemise, nii et see on jagunenud päevavalguse käes asuvaks teadusmaailmaks ja ööpimedusse...
„Igikelts ja tuli” on Roger Zelazny üks hilisemaid kogumikke, mis sisaldab nii puhast teadusfantastikat (kosmos, tehisintellekt) kui ka fantasy’t, lisaks veel autori kommentaare ja esseelaadis tekste ulmežanri arengust ja autori loomemeetoditest. Kaks kogumiku lugu on võitnud Hugo („Hokusai: 24 vaadet Fuji mäele” ja „Igikelts“). Lugu „Hokusai: 24 vaadet Fuji mäele”, räägib tagasihoidlikust palverändurist, kes rändab Fuji mäe läheduses, otsides Hokusai kujutatud vaateid, ja võitleb samal ajal...