Carrie Ritter runs away to the wilds of Alaska with Bart McFee, a manly yet gentle fugitive from society, to escape her repetitive life in southern California where she has experienced one too many failed relationships. A harrowing plane ride and dog-sled trek later Carrie is shocked when she arrives at a tiny, wood-heated cabin with an outhouse set a daunting distance away amid a waist-high October snowfall. She finds surviving in her new world bewildering and uncomfortable. She is forced to...
Swedish billionaire Olaf Gedda is found dead and his eccentric fishing colleague, Gotilda Salamander, is arrested for firing the fatal shot. Her prints were found all over the bucket of worms beside the body, so who else could it be? Salamander's old flame, investigative journalist Jerker Rhindtwist, discovers that a few others had motives as well but, in the end, Salamander must escape from jail and, using her computer hacking expertise, hook the murderer herself. With the help of solid...