Natalie and Joseph Reyes have everything any young interracial couple could desire – a loving marriage, children together, wealth, and enterprise. But the demands of a controlling mother-in-law and her husband's unaccounted hours spent in places unknown to Natalie threaten to drive a wedge between them. With dwindling trust in her beloved accompanied by mysterious symptoms within her body, Natalie agonizes as a single mother within her marriage.<br><br>Relatives who witness...
Natalie and Joseph Reyes continue to juggle the drama of everyone else's lives while trying to strengthen their loving marriage that only feels drained. Escaping growing problems at home with her husband, Natalie opens the door of a strange connection between her brother and her executive assistant in the workplace.<br><br>Tony Taylor and Amelia Conrad contend for an open vice-president position at Millennium Fashion House. One of the required challenges for the job is to...
Starting a small business is more than a lifestyle change. The exploration, adventure, and risk that it involves have filtered out the smartest entrepreneurs who dared to plunge into an arena of the fast-pace corporate world. If your passion is met with determination and focus, you can employ yourself in order to survive as well as establish your new career in a very challenging yet rewarding driver's seat.<br><br>The Daily Business Calendar, To-Do Planner, And Enterprise...