Love or Lust — Which Is It?<br><br>This self-scoring questionnaire answers the question for anyone who is in any relationship with any one else!<br><br>It takes courage to dare to tell the truth to yourself — even in private. Yet, once you do it can lead to assuring that you do or do not have a relationship built on mutual love.<br><br>If the result is yes you are in a relationship based on mutual love then go on into the joys and sunset of...
Character is the knowledge, which opens a treasure chest to the kingdom of life and love and life afterward. Our insights and writing is likened to Napoleon Hill's great book Think And Grow Rich. Our secret key to human character is that it is not psychological, per se. It is a blend of morals and ethics. Therefore think of it simply as thinking and doing good, right, helpful and better. Values shape character. Character isn't everything yet it affects everything in almost every...
The Fountain of Humor for Seniors available as an eBook and in Audio files is a collection of jokes and stories targeted to seniors 50+. These jokes can be read and listened to by the senior him- or herself or read and/or played to them by the people who live, work or love them. The material is helpful to mind and body. It is funny, tasteful and likely to make most seniors laugh out loud. <br><br>It's all about feeling good, feeling much better, reducing sad feelings, healing...
If you are a student, graduate student or individual who knows that there is more for you to learn than what you've been exposed to in your life, this one's for you. If you are certain that you have been genetically gifted with talents needed to be a Manager and Not a Managee in life, think again and decide to review this set of skills, concepts and techniques that will help most who master Lazar Achievement Psychology.<br><br>The Lazar Achievement Psychology provides...
The Fountain of Humor Number 2, available as an eBook and as an audiobook.<br><br>It is a collection of jokes and stories. These jokes can be read and listened to or read and/or played to people who live, work or love others. The material is helpful to mind and body. It is funny, tasteful and likely to make most people laugh out loud. <br><br>It's all about feeling good, feeling much better, reducing sad feelings, healing mind and body. All anyone needs to do is...
The Best Way to Fix Our Economy describes the basic problem of the USA economy in the early-21st century. It is how to restore, re-surge and re-build America. How? The solution is building great new innovative product industries that produce excellent products at good prices that sell in the USA and markets around the globe. They generate sustainable small businesses. That then produces steady jobs that provide income that keeps taxes down and enables sizable profit, incent investment, ROI,...
It is a collection of jokes and stories. These jokes can be read and listened to or read and/or played to people who live, work or love others. The material is helpful to mind and body. It is funny, tasteful and likely to make most people laugh out loud. <br><br>It's all about feeling good, feeling much better, reducing sad feelings, healing mind and body. All anyone needs to do is to laugh loud and long to feel good and better. Yes, it works. It's not a cure-all for...
The book is loaded with information that most people don't know or don't want to know when they are "now young – soon to be old" group. For others it's too late to do anything about it. They are people who know it's coming and hate to face the reality for themselves, their parents and their spouses. <br><br>It is also a plea to insurance companies who do not yet offer a sufficient amount of affordable, long-term, healthcare insurance....