Three Australian nine-year olds from different immigrant backgrounds form a Secret Society they call The Threefold Cord, to do good such as helping an old lady. When they rescue a tortured cat, they stumble on a crime gang that traffics costly cats and smuggles rare red diamonds, led by the enigmatic and quite monstrously fearsome Dr Vandersluys, the tall, pale stranger who always wears sunglasses and dresses in black. <br /> <br />Through their unity, courage and resourcefulness...
Carrots and Jaffas tells the story of two red-headed identical twins whose oneness is ruptured when one of them is kidnapped. Their startling intimacy is both a strength and a fault line in their being, and once separated, their individuality emerges. In the course of this exhilarating domestic tale set in Melbourne and the Flinders Ranges, the reader encounters the twins' parents – emotional, scripture-quoting Luisa and calm Bernard – as well as two remarkable storytellers, Doc, an...
Every year for over a decade Goldenberg, a white middle-aged doctor, has spent numerous periods working as a relieving doctor for Aboriginal communities in remote places.<br /> <br />On these visits he has observed and recorded Aboriginal Australians lives without resorting to simplification or glib solutions. Among his true stories we meet psychotic Elijah who believes he is Satan's boss and cannot die; a dehydrated baby whose mother gambles away money for food; an old lady who...