An identification guide to the most important and best known dinosaursDo you know the difference between a Coelophysis and a Diplodocus? How much larger than a human was a Spinosarus? Is it likely that the Parasaurolophus made a sound like a trombone? All these questions and many more are answered in Collins Gem Dinosaurs, a highly illustrated guide to the world's very wild life hundreds of millions of years ago.A fully illustrated guide to the lost world of dinosaurs, the book provides...
The dramatic history of planet Earth and the rocky road to understanding the past A probing account of the history of the earth and an introduction to the many eccentric characters that have attempted to understand its origins. Full of fascinating anecdotes about 19th century explorers and natural philosophers who first carved up Earth's history just as others were carving up the globe. Unravels the fascinating history of rock strata and the implications they have had on accepted theories on the...
Wissenschaft ist nur etwas für Wenige? Ganz sicher nicht! Die menschliche Geschichte ist eine Geschichte des Forschens. Wir haben schon immer versucht, auf alles eine Antwort zu finden. «Das Wissenschaftsbuch» liefert einen ergreifenden Überblick über die Geschichte und die Entwicklung der Naturwissenschaften. Von ihren Anfängen 600 v. Chr. über die Erweiterung unseres Horizonts von 1700 bis 1800 bis hin zu vertieften neuen Erkenntnissen der letzten 50 Jahre werden die wichtigsten Theorien...