Mervyn Linford left the prefabs and bombsites in the East End of London in 1952 and moved to Pitsea in Essex. In those days Pitsea was a typical sleepy marshland village overlooking the saltwater creeks and the Thame's Delta. The proposed New Town was as yet just a twinkle in the planners' eyes and Basildon, such as it was, comprised of just two small estates: Barstable and Whitmore Way. The rest of the surrounding area was no less than a paradise for a young boy newly arrived from the...
Non-technical, often humorous tales of an angling life through a nature lover's eyes. Although primarily concerned with angling in all its different forms it travels the length and breadth of the British Isles and is just as interested in the nature and topography of these isles as it is with fishing in general and should therefore appeal to a wider readership than those interested solely in the piscatorial arts.