Masaaki Hiroi is an extremely renowned craftsman, who earned his status to be recognized as an artist. Masaaki Hiroi makes Edo tops, toys played by both adults and children not only in present-day Japan but also all over the world. He has created numerous Trick tops out of his imagination and creativity which use the spinning motion to move wooden dolls or other wooden items. Masaaki Hiroi's trick tops have unique movements and tastes. <br><br>His versions of tops, which far...
The day when Supreme Commander Douglas MacArthur met the Emperor Showa, Hirohito, was the day when the trust between MacArthur and the Emperor Showa, Hirohito, was established and the day when Japan started to recover from the disastrous situation after the Pacific War. Until then, under the name of the Japanese Empire, Japanese people suffered unreasonable orders from the military regime. Thanks to MacArthur's effort, Japan was able to make an outstanding recovery. You would be...