It's hard to find time for a spiritual recharge in the morning, but Linda Estes is here again to help with her mastery of the one-minute devotional. We like «our stuff,» don't we? We hold tight to our material things, our dreams, and our plans for our lives. We have things all lined out in our heads and hearts. Things are going along just fine and then God interrupts our stuff. He asks us to let go of something, or someone, we love. When that happens, we have two choices. We can...
Have you ever tried to swim upstream? If you have, you know it doesn't work very well. You spend an awful lot of energy to get nowhere. You don't have to live long to realize life has lots of undercurrents that can pull you down if you're not careful. Life keeps on flowing regardless if we like the current circumstances of our life or not. When hard times come, we have two choices. We can either go with the flow or we can essentially drown ourselves in our own pity, anger,...