Renegade half-breed samurai Gonji Sabatake has left the survivors of devastated Vedun, certain that his unknown Enemies–with their mysterious agenda, their monsters and their sorcery–are gathering strength for yet another attack on him and his allies. Seeking the aid of misanthropic werewolf Simon Sardonis, Gonji treks into a 16th-century Spain wracked by eerie supernatural forces. Trapped by his adversaries, Gonji is held captive by fanatical power in the torture-dungeons of the Inquisition. He...
Two NEW tales of GONJI SABATAKE, the itinerant samurai-Viking warrior! A rallying cry for fans of the popular 1980s heroic-fantasy series. An ideal entry point for new readers!<P> The novelette «Reflections in Ice» – picking up a mature Gonji, already well into his ca. 1600 A.D. European adventures, ensnared in a desperate crossfire between monstrous oppressors: the undead assassins of the Dark Company; and mysterious horrors residing in remote caves of the snowbound Pyrenees…<P> ...