The remarkable red-eared slider is a freshwater turtle that belongs to the Emydidae family of turtles, of which there are currently fourteen subspecies. Although popular pets among children, red-eared sliders require a considerable amount of special care, and this colorful guide provides the necessary information to keep these turtles properly attended in captivity. Red-Eared Sliders, written by herp expert Philippe de Vosjoli, provides guidelines for keepers who wish to have success keeping,...
Frogs, toads, salamanders, and newts are among pet owner’s favorite amphibians, and this colorful guide proves the perfect introduction to these fascinating animals. Author Philippe de Vosjoli provides guidelines for keeping the most popular species of amphibians, highlighting Oriental fire-bellied toads, leopard frots, dwarf clawed frogs, fire-bellied newts, and tiger salamanders. For each he provides insight into commonly kept species, systematics, distribution and origins, size,...