Immensely popular throughout France and Europe upon its first publication in 1721, “Persian Letters” exemplifies the spirit of eighteenth-century libertinism and Enlightenment. Written by Charles de Montesquieu, this epistolary novel is told through a collection of letters and recounts the observations and experiences of two Persian noblemen traveling through France. The various writers of the letters are astute observers and this satirical story of eighteenth-century French society touches on...
Immensely popular upon its publication in 1721 throughout France and other European countries, «Persian Letters» exemplifies the spirit of that definitive age of libertinism and Enlightenment. Told through the astute observations of two fictional Persian travelers in Europe, this satirical story of eighteenth century French society touches on fundamental questions of human nature, the manners and flirtations of polite society, attitudes on morality, the structures of power, and the hypocrisy of...
This treatise on political theory, originally published anonymously in 1748, has become one of the most influential works of political science ever written. French philosopher Charles de Montesquieu wrote this piece under the inspiration of such political theorists as René Descartes, Nicholas de Malebranche, and Niccolò Machiavelli. The ideas laid forth by Montesquieu in this work, especially that of balancing power among branches of government, had a prominent influence on the American...
This treatise on political theory, originally published anonymously in 1748, has become one of the most influential works of political science ever written. French philosopher Charles-Louis de Secondat, Baron de Montesquieu wrote this piece under the inspiration of such political theorists as René Descartes, Nicholas de Malebranche, and Niccolò Machiavelli. The ideas laid forth by Montesquieu in this work, especially that of balancing power among branches of government, had a prominent influence...
«Pärsia kirjad» on satiirižanri põhjapanevamaid teoseid maailmakirjanduses. Et aga «Pärsia kirjade» huumor ja satiir meile mõistetavad oleksid, oleks ehk kohane meenutada ajastut. Louis XIV, valitsenud suurriiki 74 aastat (kauem pole vist üleüldse keegi maailma ajaloos riiki valitsenud), suri kogu Euroopale kergenduseks 1715.a. Troonipärija Louis XV-nda alaealisuse tõttu hakkas riiki juhtima Orléans'i hertsog Philippe, kes armastas luksust, pidusid ja tralli. Ka paberraha sissetooja John Law'...