“By Berwen Banks” is an 1899 novel by Allen Raine. Set in Wales, the story revolves around the relationship between Caradoc Wynne and orphan Valmai Powell. “By Berwen Banks” is a charming Victorian romance story that captures the innocence of times long past and explores the struggle between language, gender, culture, and religion common in contemporary Welsh villages. Contents include: “Berwen Banks”, “The House on the Cliff”, “The Sassiwn”, “The Storm”, “Gwynne Ellis Arrives”, “Corwen and...
“By Berwen Banks” is an 1899 novel by Allen Raine. Set in Wales, the story revolves around the relationship between Caradoc Wynne and orphan Valmai Powell. “By Berwen Banks” is a charming Victorian romance story that captures the innocence of times long past and explores the struggle between language, gender, culture, and religion common in contemporary Welsh villages. Contents include: “Berwen Banks”, “The House on the Cliff”, “The Sassiwn”, “The Storm”, “Gwynne Ellis Arrives”, “Corwen and...
“Garthowen” is a 1900 novel by Welsh author Allen Raine. Set in the eponymous Welsh village, this charming Victorian romance focuses on provincial Welsh life, exploring the lives of the villagers and their relationships with nature, their families, and religion. Full of beautiful descriptive prose, “Garthowen” is a fantastically uplifting tale that is not to be missed by discerning readers with an interest in Welsh history and culture. Anne Adalisa Beynon Puddicombe (1836–1908), also known under...
“Garthowen” is a 1900 novel by Welsh author Allen Raine. Set in the eponymous Welsh village, this charming Victorian romance focuses on provincial Welsh life, exploring the lives of the villagers and their relationships with nature, their families, and religion. Full of beautiful descriptive prose, “Garthowen” is a fantastically uplifting tale that is not to be missed by discerning readers with an interest in Welsh history and culture. Anne Adalisa Beynon Puddicombe (1836–1908), also known under...