„Võit viha ja ärrituvuse üle” on käsiraamat neile, kes leiavad, et rikuvad oma pideva ärritumise või pahameelehoogudega nii enda kui ka neid ümbritsevate inimeste elu. Kui leiate end sageli ütlemas ja tegemas asju, millest teate kohe, et need on ebamõistlikud, või mis paistavad algul asjakohased, aga mida te hiljem kahetsete, siis on see raamat teile. See aitab mõista, miks taolist käitumist esineb ja mida teha, et seda vältida. Raamatus kasutatakse positiivset lähenemist, mille pikaajaline...
Why are we so interested in measuring happiness? What was a Buddhist monk doing at the 2014 World Economic Forum in Davos lecturing the world’s leaders on mindfulness? Why do many successful corporations have a ‘chief happiness officer’? What can the chemical composition of your brain tell a potential employer about you? In the past decade, governments and corporations have become increasingly interested in measuring the way people feel: ‘the Happiness index’, ‘Gross National Happiness’,...
Since 2016, the UK has been in a crisis of its own making: but this is not the fault of Brexit but of a larger problem of our politics. The status of political parties, the mainstream media, public experts and officials have all been disrupted. Along the way, there have been shocking and exhilarating events: the unforeseen 2017 election result, the horrific details of Grenfell Tower and the Windrush scandal, the sudden rise and fall of the Brexit Party.As the 'mainstream’ of politics and...