"Ülima õnnelikkuse kogudus" on kõrgelt premeeritud «Väikeste Asjade Jumala» autori teine romaan, kahe teose vahele jääb peaaegu täpselt 20 aastat ja selle raamatu ilmumist peetakse üheks käesoleva aasta olulisematest kirjandussündmustest maailmas. See on kriipiv armastuslugu, lugu võitlusest ja elujäämisest, jutustatud kord sosinal, kord karjudes, tihti läbi ausate pisarate ja vahel kibedalt naerdes. Pea kõik selle romaani arvukad kangelased on inimesed, kelle nende koduks olev maailm on...
Leading international voices condemn the brutalities of the Kashmir occupation. At home, the Kashmiri people’s ongoing quest for justice and self-determination is as much ignored by their venal politicians as it is rejected by Pakistan. Internationally, their struggle is forgotten, as the West refuses to bring pressure to bear on its regional ally India. Kashmir: The Case for Freedom is an impassioned attempt to redress this imbalance and to fill the gap in our moral imagination. Covering...
An impassioned manifesto from the author of Booker-winner God of Small Things, one of the most vocal campaigners in the world. India is a nation of 1.2 billion, but the country’s 100 richest people own assets equivalent to one-fourth of India’s gross domestic product. The rest of the population are ghosts within a system beyond their control. This includes the millions that live on less than $2 a day; or the hundreds of thousands of farmers who commit suicide, unable to escape ruinous debts;...