After the second edition introduced first density functional theory aspects, this third edition expands on this topic and offers unique practice in molecular mechanics calculations and DFT. In addition, the tutorial with its interactive exercises has been completely revised and uses the very latest software, a full version of which is enclosed on CD, allowing readers to carry out their own initial experiments with forcefield calculations in organometal and complex chemistry.
After the second edition introduced first density functional theory aspects, this third edition expands on this topic and offers unique practice in molecular mechanics calculations and DFT. In addition, the tutorial with its interactive exercises has been completely revised and uses the very latest software, a full version of which is enclosed on CD, allowing readers to carry out their own initial experiments with forcefield calculations in organometal and complex chemistry.
After the second edition introduced first density functional theory aspects, this third edition expands on this topic and offers unique practice in molecular mechanics calculations and DFT. In addition, the tutorial with its interactive exercises has been completely revised and uses the very latest software, a full version of which is enclosed on CD, allowing readers to carry out their own initial experiments with forcefield calculations in organometal and complex chemistry.
Molecular modeling encompasses applied theoretical approaches and computational techniques to model structures and properties of molecular compounds and materials in order to predict and / or interpret their properties. The modeling covered in this book ranges from methods for small chemical to large biological molecules and materials. With its comprehensive coverage of important research fields in molecular and materials science, this is a must-have for all organic, inorganic and biochemists as...