Love and Communication is an intriguing philosophical and religious inquiry into the meaning of “talk” – and ultimately the meaning of “being human.” Taking an historical approach, Paddy Scannell argues that the fundamental media of communication are (and always have been) talk and writing. Far from being made redundant by twentieth-century new media (radio and television), these old media laid the foundation for today’s technologies (AI and algorithms, for instance). Emphasizing these...
Love and Communication is an intriguing philosophical and religious inquiry into the meaning of “talk” – and ultimately the meaning of “being human.” Taking an historical approach, Paddy Scannell argues that the fundamental media of communication are (and always have been) talk and writing. Far from being made redundant by twentieth-century new media (radio and television), these old media laid the foundation for today’s technologies (AI and algorithms, for instance). Emphasizing these...
This book is about the question of existence, the meaning of ‘life’. It is an enquiry into the contemporary human situation as disclosed by television. The elementary components of any real-world situation are place, people and time. These are first examined as basic existential phenomena drawing on Heidegger’s fundamental enquiry into the human situation in Being and Time. They are then explored through the technological and production care-structures of broadcast television which, routinely...