A concise textbook bridging quantum theory and spectroscopy! Designed as a practical text, Quantum Mechanical Foundations of Molecular Spectroscopy covers the quantum mechanical fundamentals of molecular spectroscopy from the view of a professional spectroscopist, rather than a theoretician. Written by a noted expert on the topic, the book puts the emphasis on the relationship between spectroscopy and quantum mechanics, and provides the background information and derivations of the subjects...
Modern Vibrational Spectroscopy and Micro-Spectroscopy: Theory, Instrumentation and Biomedical Applications unites the theory and background of conventional vibrational spectroscopy with the principles of microspectroscopy. It starts with basic theory as it applies to small molecules and then expands it to include the large biomolecules which are the main topic of the book with an emphasis on practical experiments, results analysis and medical and diagnostic applications. This book is unique in...
Schlägt die Brücke zwischen Quantentheorie und Spektroskopie!<br> <br> Spektroskopie ist das Arbeitspferd zur Struktur- und Eigenschaftsaufklärung von Molekülen und Werkstoffen. Um die verschiedenen spektroskopischen Methoden verstehen, kompetent anwenden und die Ergebnisse interpretieren zu können, ist grundlegendes Wissen der Quantenmechanik erforderlich: Konzepte wie stationäre Zustände, erlaubte und verbotene Übergänge, Elektronenspin und Elektron-Elektron-, Elektron-Photon- und...