Me langetame iga päev otsuseid – selle kohta, mida osta või süüa, raha paigutamise või oma laste tervist ja haridust puudutavate küsimuste kohta. Kahjuks on meie otsused sageli halvad. «Nügimine» räägib sellest, kuidas me neid otsuseid teeme ja kuidas saaksime neid teha paremini. Paljude silmi avavate näidete ja mitmekümne aasta käitumisuuringute tulemuste abil näitavad nobelist Richard H. Thaler ja Harvardi ülikooli õigusteaduskonna professor Cass R. Sunstein, et mitte ühtegi valikut ei esitata...
Bestselling author Cass R. Sunstein reveals the appeal and the danger of conformity We live in an era of tribalism, polarization, and intense social division—separating people along lines of religion, political conviction, race, ethnicity, and sometimes gender. How did this happen? In Conformity, Cass R. Sunstein argues that the key to making sense of living in this fractured world lies in understanding the idea of conformity—what it is and how it works—as well as the countervailing force of...
Why are group decisions so hard? Since the beginning of human history, people have made decisions in groups—first in families and villages, and now as part of companies, governments, school boards, religious organizations, or any one of countless other groups. And having more than one person to help decide is good because the group benefits from the collective knowledge of all of its members, and this results in better decisions. Right? Back to reality. We’ve all been involved in group...
Best-selling author Cass R. Sunstein examines how to avoid worst-case scenarios The world is increasingly confronted with new challenges related to climate change, globalization, disease, and technology. Governments are faced with having to decide how much risk is worth taking, how much destruction and death can be tolerated, and how much money should be invested in the hopes of avoiding catastrophe. Lacking full information, should decision-makers focus on avoiding the most catastrophic...