Already an international hit, a sly, sizzling mystery set in the Italian Alps, the first in a sensational crime series.The dark flanks of the Alps tower over everything. Wind whistles through the fir trees. An expanse of ice and snow with no end in sight. A growing stain. A mess of flesh and blood. A corpse buried six inches under the snow.Enter Rocco Schiavone, Deputy Police Chief and a man who has more beautiful women in his bed than sensible shoes under it. He’s stuck in this backwards Alpine...
Small towns can hide big secrets, but Rocco Schiavone will do whatever it takes to bring them into the light. The second novel in the internationally bestselling series from Italian crime maestro Antonio Manzini.In an elegant apartment in a chilly Alpine town a cleaning lady makes a gruesome discovery: the body of her employer hanging from a chandelier in a dark room in an apparent suicide.Working the case is Deputy Police Chief Rocco Schiavone, banished from his beloved Rome to snowy,...
Toimetanud Lydia Raadik Kujundanud Mari Ainso Võluvasse Põhja-Itaalia suusapiirkonda on saabunud kauaoodatud kevad. Ometi ootavad samal ajal lahendust suurte ehitusprojektidega seotud hämarad teod ja aseprefekt Rocco Schiavone korteris toimunud mõrv, mille tegelik sihtmärk oli Rocco ise. Olukord muutub veelgi keerulisemaks, kui vanglas tapetakse inimröövis süüdistatud maffialiige Mimmo Cuntrera. Kevadine õhk lõhnab kättemaksu järele … Need, kes on juba lugenud Schiavone-seeria varasemaid...