En Entrenamiento para siempre Jurij Alschitz propone un camino creativo, metódico y sistemático para responder a interrogantes como: ¿Cuál es el sentido de la preparación actoral en la escuela? ¿Para qué entrenarse? ¿Para qué hacer tantos ejercicios?¿Cómo abordar la transición de la escuela a la vida profesional? ¿Qué hace un artista de la escena para mantenerse en plena forma? Termina la escuela de drama, pero con la libertad viene la responsabilidad de prepararse constantemente y...
Today’s actors must be able to perform as soloists in the worlds of theatre and film. The technique of the ‘Vertical of the Role’ enables actors to develop their independence and autonomy when analyzing their roles, leading them to become authors of their own art in their own right. It offers the basis for all manner of successful auditions, but also for artistic interaction within an ensemble and with a director. Generations of actors have grown up with Stanislavsky’s classic, ‘The Actor’s Work...
A method of questions? A question of method. Alongside any method proposed in this book, the whole system of theatre only makes sense if it is understood creatively, not dogmatically. You can expect to find questions, but not necessarily complete or ready-made answers. Questions should serve as the fundamental key to unlocking potential. The technique to ask questions about a role will enrich actors and directors, leading them to discover the rare, living quality of role, challenging their...
The Art of Dialogue The actor’s profession is, first and foremost, an open system of communication in an endless dialogue with his character, with his partner, with the director, with the spectators, with the playwright, with the role – but at the end of this list we should say – the actor also has an infi nite dialogue with himself. When the actor himself is open, then he knows how to open others, and then they open up to him. The opening of another system, and of another view, allows the...
Gli attori di oggi devono essere capaci di recitare come solisti nel mondo sia del teatro che del cinema. La tecnica della “Verticale del Ruolo” consente agli attori di lavorare sul loro ruolo in maniera indipendente, rendendoli liberi e autonomi oltre che artisti a tutti gli effetti. Offre le basi per tutte le tipologie di audizione, ma anche per l’interazione artistica all’interno di un ensemble o con un regista. Generazioni di attori sono cresciute con il classico di Stanislavsky “Il lavoro...