Con Marx y Kierkegaard se produce en el interior de la filosofía lo que Groys denomina «giro antifilosófico», la antifilosofía ya no opera por medio de la crítica, sino por medio de consignas, órdenes; y lo que se ordena es transformar el mundo en lugar de explicarlo; esto, evidentemente, no estuvo exento de consecuencias. En esta serie de ensayos tan provocativos como novedosos, Groys relee a los principales antifilósofos contemporáneos. Søren Kierkegaard, Martin Heidegger, Walter Benjamin,...
The leading art theorist takes on art in the age of the Internet In the early twentieth century, art and its institutions came under critique from a new democratic and egalitarian spirit. The notion of works of art as sacred objects was decried and subsequently they would be understood merely as things. This meant an attack on realism, as well as on the traditional preservative mission of the museum. Acclaimed art theorist Boris Groys argues this led to the development of “direct realism”: an...
One of the most influential voices in contemporary cultural theory on how to make it new. As ideas move from one context to another, something new is created. This continuous shifting of the line that separates the valuable from the worthless, culture from profanity, is at the centre of Boris Groys's investigation.