Tõsielusündmustel põhinev päevikuformaadis romaan „Henry ja June“ on erootiline, detailirohke ja avameelne üleskirjutus Anaïs Nini seksuaalsest eneseavastusest.Teos käsitleb ühte aastat (1931–1932) naise elust, mil ta armub kirjanik Henry Milleri loomingusse ja tema abikaasa June’i rabavasse ilusse. Kui June lahkub Pariisist ja suundub New Yorki, saab alguse Henry ja Anaïsi tormiline armuafäär, mis viib küll seksuaalse ja moraalse vabanemiseni, aga selle avalikuks tulek võib ohtu seada mõlema...
Mirages opens at the dawn of World War II, when Anaïs Nin fled Paris, where she lived for fifteen years with her husband, banker Hugh Guiler, and ends in 1947 when she meets the man who would be “the One,” the lover who would satisfy her insatiable hunger for connection. In the middle looms a period Nin describes as “hell,” during which she experiences a kind of erotic madness, a delirium that fuels her search for love. As a child suffering abandonment by her father, Anaïs wrote, “Close your...
Anaïs Nin made her reputation through publication of her edited diaries and the carefully constructed persona they presented. It was not until decades later, when the diaries were published in their unexpurgated form, that the world began to learn the full details of Nin’s fascinating life and the emotional and literary high-wire acts she committed both in documenting it and in defying the mores of 1950s America. Trapeze begins where the previous volume, Mirages, left off: when Nin met...