Sharpen your understanding of the financial markets with this incisive volume Equity Markets, Valuation, and Analysis brings together many of the leading practitioner and academic voices in finance to produce a comprehensive and empirical examination of equity markets. Masterfully written and edited by experts in the field, Equity Markets, Valuation, and Analysis introduces the basic concepts and applications that govern the area before moving on to increasingly intricate treatments of...
Sharpen your understanding of the financial markets with this incisive volume Equity Markets, Valuation, and Analysis brings together many of the leading practitioner and academic voices in finance to produce a comprehensive and empirical examination of equity markets. Masterfully written and edited by experts in the field, Equity Markets, Valuation, and Analysis introduces the basic concepts and applications that govern the area before moving on to increasingly intricate treatments of...
Mis juhtub siis, kui jõud ühendavad üle 40 aasta pikkuse investeerimiskogemus ja kaheksa teaduskraadiga H. Kent Baker ning meie põhjanaabrite üks nimekamaid investeerimiseksperte Vesa Puttonen? Sünnib raamat, mis kannab pealkirja „Orienteerumine investeeringute miiniväljal“.Selle autorid väidavad, et sageli me ei tea, kuidas oma raske vaevaga teenitud raha edukalt investeerida. Kuna üldjuhul kooliharidus investeerimispõhimõtteid ei õpeta, pole ka üllatav, et paljud meist seda nii keeruliseks...