The Two Sams is a story of a Father and Son in the 1800’s. The story follows each of their lives from birth to death. As the story of each man unfolds the reader will feel kinship to the people they meet. Most will have met people of the same caliber. Some are good and many are not so good. While each man has occasion to leave home in their teen years, the reader will marvel at how they find their way. Adventures with mountain men, a slave auction, buffalo hunts, famous lawmen of the west,...
From author F. M. Worden comes war, love and stories of three brothers who contribute their talent to help keep the free world free. Tom the oldest, a pilot becomes a combat fighter pilot who fights with the RAF in the quest to win the Battle of Britain. He later serves with the U.S. Air Force as a P-47 pilot, until the end of World War II. Frank the second born studies Architecture in pre-war France and Germany. He sees firsthand how bad the Third Reich becomes. Albert the youngest joins the...