Written for anyone who needs to develop a business plan as soon as possible, Business Plan In A Day 3rd ed.[/i] breaks down the sometimes-intimidating process of business planning into easy-to-follow, manageable steps. By filling out the worksheets and checklists, using the timesaving tools, and following the expert advice in Business Plan In A Day 3rd ed.[/i], business owners examine each and every aspect of their businesses, develop a well-constructed and efficient plan, and move their...
With millions of people launching their businesses each year, entrepreneurs & small business owners are making a greater impact than ever before on the economy and are finally gaining the recognition they deserve. But many people struggle to get started, waste time reinventing the wheel as they launch their businesses, or need inspiration to help push them to the next level. As a best-selling author and syndicated columnist on small business matters, Rhonda Abrams, CEO of PlanningShop,...
Written for anyone who has an idea for a business, but doesn’t know how to go about starting it, Six-Week Start-Up 3rd Ed. takes readers from idea to “open-for-business.” This unique book provides in-depth coverage on business concept clarification, goal definition, money matters, market research, sales, marketing, government requirements, hiring employees, and more. Designed to keep readers on track, Six-Week Start-Up 3rd Ed. includes week-by-week checklists, worksheets to sort through...
Want to start your own business, but aren't sure which one to start? Want to find a business that's right for you—for your interests, skills, and goals—that will also be successful?America's foremost small-business advice guru Rhonda Abrams offers readers seven steps to identifying the right business for them, from determining their entrepreneurial type with the E-Type™ test, to exploring a wide range of business options, including 23 in-depth...
If you want to grow your business, you need help. Hire Your First Employee: The entrepreneur’s guide to finding, choosing and leading great people guides you step by step through everything you need to make the decision to hire, find the right people and lead & manage your team.It’s all here—the hard facts like taxes and laws and the inspiring guidance that helps make you, your employees and your business successful. Whether you’re just launching...
Hiring a business consultant can be prohibitively expensive and lead to unpredictable results. A better investment is The Owner's Manual for Small Business. Best-selling business author and syndicated columnist Rhonda Abrams shares her proven money-making, customer-pleasing, employee-motivating, competition-defeating tips and tricks that business owners can immediately put into practice. The book contains information, research, and advice on everything from starting a business to low-cost...