Discovering Alabama producer Roger Reid, author of acclaimed YA novels Longleaf and Space, continues the saga of teenage sleuth Jason Caldwell in his new mystery adventure, Time. Set at the Steven C. Minkin Paleozoic Footprint Site in north Alabama – the richest source of vertebrate trackways of its age in the world – Time is a fast-moving story that incorporates factual information about geology and paleontology into its intriguing tale of suspicion and pursuit. This witty and educational book...
”Discovering Alabama” producer Roger Reid, author of acclaimed novel Longleaf, continues the saga of teenage sleuth Jason Caldwell in his new mystery adventure Space. Set at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, Space is a fast-moving story that incorporates factual information about astronomy and America’s space program into its intriguing tale of suspicion and pursuit. This witty and educational book will captivate middle-school readers of all ages. Jason leads the...
When 14-year-old Jason Caldwell goes camping with his scientist parents, all he expects is peace and quiet. But before they arrive, Jason has already been the witness to a crime, and soon he’ll find himself lost among the very longleaf pines that his parents hoped to study. Now Jason—and his new forest-smart friend Leah—will have to use all their knowledge of the outdoors to outwit a trio of villains and make it home safe. Set in the real-life Conecuh National Forest, Longleaf is a thrilling...