In this metaphysical thriller, a thirty-something punk rocker fleeing a troubled marriage is hired for a grant writing job at a southern California psychiatric hospital. When he gets tangled up in a neuropsychiatrist's mysterious research and is subsequently targeted by a nefarious advertising executive, the situation spins dangerously out of control. Sean Carswell is the author of four books. His work has appeared in numerous publications including Thrasher and The Southeast Review. He...
"Leave it to the audacious Sean Carswell to crack the code on this secret society of writers, especially after so many other publications (the [i]Believer, [i]Bitch, [i]Vanity Fair) have tried and failed. I'm humbled and grateful to be immortalized in this wily, coltish collection with fellow strummers Flannery, Herman and weird old Uncle Thom."—Pam Houston"On the surface, Carswell is a literary chameleon, moving effortlessly in and out of voices, genres, and styles, but...