Just a Little Later With Eevo and Sim is the continuation of Once Upon a Time Long, Long Ago, the adventures of Eevo and Sim. The story is set about 50,000 years ago in the time of prehistoric man. Their parents, Shim and Dedu, have just returned from their long trip to the Wetlands Clan, the former home of Shim. They discover that, together, Eevo and Sim had overcome many dangers, discovered fire, rescued two wolf cubs and saved their home from starvation. Now Sim and Eevo are off on a long,...
Short-listed for the 2001 Silver Birch Award, How did we get to be US? Who are WE? This story for the younger reader, set in the period some 50,000 years ago when an almost explosive change in people's behaviour occurred, addresses these questions. From this period on, people, the Cro-Magnon or Homo sapiens sapiens who are considered to be our ancestors, became what we term human. This recreated story presents a sister and brother in a sequence of events that fits what little is known...