In the distant future, Earth is dominated by a Martian matriarchy known as the Grandmothers. Males are virtually unknown, and reproduction is a matter of industry. These experts in genetic engineering have bred a messiah, Lunae, who can bend time to her will. But when killers from a rival planet are dispatched to destroy her, the Grandmothers order a Martian warrior, Dreams-of-War, to protect the young savior. Dreams-of-War's guardianship leads to powerful revelations—not only...
This highly accessible and much-needed resource sets out practical advice on positive behaviour management in primary schools, exploring how to support children effectively with their personal, social and emotional development. With an emphasis on implementable strategies, this book will give primary school teachers and staff an understanding as to why children may behave as they do, and what steps can be taken by the school to support a child's development. Considering a variety of...