Set during the Great Depression and based in part on real characters and a series of historical events, Toughs follows the story of Loretto Jones as he finds his life intertwined with the fate of Vince Coll, a 23-year-old Irish gangster who for a brief moment rose to the level of a national celebrity during his war with Dutch Schultz, Owen Madden, and Lucky Luciano. Tagged “Mad Dog Coll” after killing five-year-old Michael Vengelli in a botched assassination attempt, Coll was...
Tom “T” Walker, a 57-year-old businessman, knows better than to pick up a beautiful young woman hitchhiking with her dangerous-looking boyfriend, but he stops for them anyway. He’s been living alone, his life ruinously off course, in such utter isolation from everyone he has ever loved that he welcomes the company and the excitement. But as T finds himself pulled into the chaos of their world in a way he will barely survive, he comes to see his personal history and...
When 22-year-old Avery Walker, a senior at Penn State, meets Grant Danko, a 37-year-old performance artist from Brooklyn whose stage name is Saint John of the Five Boroughs, her life changes radically as she leaves college to live with Grant in Brooklyn and pursue a life as an artist. Worried about Avery, her mother, Kate, and her aunt, Lindsey, and Lindsey’s husband, Hank, travel to Brooklyn, where they all face a crisis of their own and make life-altering choices.Grant is an angry...
Recently, Grand Central Publishing announced plans for a prequal to Mario Puzo's The Godfather, to be written by our very own Ed Falco – of whom the New York Times Book Review noted, «There is in Mr. Falco's fiction a little of Raymond Carver's sensitivity to the menace of the everyday, and a lot of Andre Dubus's sturdy empathy with his characters' failings and regrets.»The Family Corleone will hit bookstores everywhere in May – but you don't need to wait that long...
For a long time now, Edward Falco has quietly established his place among the absolute best American storytellers. Those who haven’t yet read him don’t want to miss this chance. That’s why we’re so excited to offer the very best of his work, gathered together for the first time, to a wider readership.Falco’s stories are unforgettable, dangerous as a high-wire act without a net, filled with dramatic action, and peopled with believable characters...