This is the guide that young people and their parents have been waiting for, as it addresses the many issues around sexuality that are so difficult to talk about at home. Marlene Wasserman is a clinical sexologist, an author, an educator, a media personality and a sexual activist. Passionate about promoting and protecting the sexual rights of young people, Marlene Wasserman has provided a comprehensive educational approach based on the sexual rights of the individual, the responsibilities...
Hier is die handleiding waarop jongmense en hul ouers gewag het, want dit bespreek die vele kwessies omtrent seksualiteit wat so moeilik is om tuis oor te praat. Marlene Wasserman is 'n kliniese seksoloog, 'n outeur, 'n opvoeder, 'n mediapersoonlikheid en 'n seksaktivis. Dr. Wasserman is hartstogtelik oor die bevordering en beskerming van die seksuele regte van jongmense, en voorsien 'n omvattende opvoedkundige benadering, gebaseer op die seksuele regte van die...