Besides the VeriSM™ Professional Courseware (ISBN: 9789401830847) publication you are advised to obtain the publication VeriSM™ – A service management approach for the digital age (ISBN: 9789401802406).Service management has never been so important, as all organizations are either receiving or providing services to and from others. As digitization has spread through our organizations and culture, IT has become a vital part of our workplace. VeriSM™ provides guidance on how to manage the variety...
El paquete Courseware consiste de dos públicaciones , VeriSMTM – Fundamentos Courseware y Fundamentos guía de estudio.Este material de entrenamiento cubre el plan de estudios para la calificación VeriSM™ fundamentos. El entrenamiento puede ser entregado durante dos días. Este Courseware está acreditado para preparar al estudiante para la certificación VeriSM™. VeriSM™ Fundamentos consiste de dos partes: VeriSM™ Essentials y VeriSM™ Plus, cada uno cubriendo un día de entrenamiento.Los estudiantes...
This book is intended as a self-study guide for the VeriSM™ Foundation, VeriSM™ Essentials, and VeriSM™ Plus qualifications. It also supports classroom and online courses for these qualifications. It is based on the requirements of the syllabuses for these three qualifications (Certification requirements for the VeriSM™ Foundation, VeriSM™ Essentials, and VeriSM™ Plus, a publication of the IFDC – International Foundation for Digital Competence).This guide is also useful for all professionals and...