Besides the Portfolio, Programme and Project Offices 2013 Edition (P3O®) Foundation Courseware – English (ISBN: 9789401804547) publication you are advised to obtain the corresponding publication Portfolio, Programme and Project Offices 2013 Edition (ISBN: 9780113314225).P3O® Foundation certifications is suitable for individuals wanting to demonstrate they have sufficient knowledge and understanding of the P3O guidance to interact effectively with, or act as an informed member of, an office...
Besides the Management of Portfolios (MoP®) Foundation Courseware – English (ISBN: 9789401804516) publication you are advised to obtain the corresponding publication Management of Portfolios (ISBN: 9780113312948).MoP® Foundation certifications is suitable for individuals wanting to demonstrate they have sufficient knowledge and understanding to work as an informed member of a Portfolio Office or in a range of portfolio management roles. This certification is aimed at those involved in a range of...
Dit boek gaat over organisaties die stappen willen zetten om teams meer autonomiete geven door besluitvorming decentraal neer te leggen en managementlagen enmanagers weg te halen om de teams zelf-organiserend te laten optreden.Daartoe komen in dit boek verschillende agile frameworks aan bod die het opschalenvan agile teams ondersteunen. In het eerste deel komen een aantal agile-aanpakkenvan het eerste uur aan bod. Dit betreft agile-aanpakken op team-niveau die zowelbinnen IT als niet-IT...