Hip Tranquil Chick addresses that huge but unacknowledged demographic of fashionistas equally at home at Bergdorf’s and the yoga studio. The book is divided into two major sections that cover all bases for the style-minded seeker. «On the Mat» shares seven must-have modern-girl yoga sequences, such as «Healing Hip Openers» and "Negativity Releasing Heart Openers,” and explains yoga philosophy in hip chick language. «Off the Mat» showcases nine ways to become more fabulous and balanced by...
Infuse your life with tranquility, panache, and a dash of joie de vivre As defined by the author, “a tranquilista is a woman who embraces her many sides: spiritual (she’s a tranquility-seeker), creative (loves style), and entrepreneurial (calls her own shots). She hearts fashion and philanthropy…entertaining and enlightenment.…She is full of aspirations and always seeking inspiration. Oh, and she sparkles. Literally.” Presenting a potpourri of real-world tips, inspiration from modern-day...